Planning and Zoning Public Hearing


City of Tomahawk Planning and Zoning Commission
Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the City of Tomahawk Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday, June 17th, 2024 beginning at 4:00 p.m. at Tomahawk City Hall, 23 N 2nd Street, Tomahawk, WI to consider an amendment to the Zoning Code.  The purpose of this hearing is to accept public comments on the proposed amendment.

During the Public Hearing, the public is invited to speak on the proposed Zoning Amendment.  The Public Hearing shall be closed when all interested parties in attendance have had the opportunity to offer comment.

Proposed Amendment to the City of Tomahawk Zoning Code
Section 17-27(6) M-1 Manufacturing

Buffer Yard Requirement

(6)     Buffer Yard Requirement.  Buffer yards shall be required where manufacturing uses, including the storage of materials, vehicles, and equipment, are located adjacent to a residential use district.  Where a premise used for manufacturing is adjacent to the side yard or rear lot line of a residential use district, the manufacturing use shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the lot line.  All manufacturing process(es) and uses that are not carried on in and enclosed building, including the outdoor storage of materials and equipment, shall be screened along any residential district boundary by a solid fence, not less than six feet high, or by evergreen plantings maintained at a height of not less than six feet high providing a year-round visual screen when viewed from the residential side.

Upon the close of the Public Hearing, the City Zoning Planning and Commission and Common Council shall take up the Amendment per the agenda. 

Amanda L. Bartz, CMC
Dated May 17th, 2024
Published in the Tomahawk Leader May 29th and June 5th, 2024
Underline = Text Added 
Strikethrough = Texted Removed
Proposed Ordinance Buffer Yard Requirement Amendment