2015 Wastewater (Sewer) Rate Increase


Public Notice to all customers of the

Tomahawk Municipal Sewer Utility


The Tomahawk Municipal Sewer Utility is proposing an increase to the sewer rates. The increase is necessary due to a $3,695,000 Wastewater plant upgrades, digester cover replacement, and collection system upgrades.

The total sewer revenue increase is $216,700 which will result in a rate increase of 15% in 2015 and 10% in 2016. The sewer bill for general service for an average residential customer with a 5/8 inch or 3/4 inch meter who discharges 1,200 Cubic Feet a quarter will increase from $103.51 to $129.30, or 25%, which works out to an increase of approximately 29 cents per day in 2016.

A public hearing on the increase has been scheduled for Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at the Tomahawk City Hall, 23 N 2nd St, Tomahawk, WI.


For the Water and Sewer Utility Commission, Amanda L. Bartz, Clerk-Treasurer
Project Fact Sheet December 11, 2014
Wastewater Rate Scenarion (12/02/2014)