
Solid Waste and Recycling

Fee Schedule

Below are the current solid waste and recycling rates.  Please note that the City only charges for the solid waste collection.  The recycling is at no charge.

48 gallon - $27.75/Quarter

64 gallon - $31.50/Quarter

96 gallon - $36.00/Quarter

Recycling Rewards Program

In an effort to encourage residents to recycle a larger portion of the waste stream the City, in conjunction with Eagle Waste and Recycling, sponsors a "Recycling Rewards Program" on a weekly basis. Each week we select one residential property for inspection.  If the resident has property separated their refuse (garbage) and recyclables they are eligible to win the recycling rewards pot.  Eagle Waste contributes $20 per week in Chamber Bucks into the pot and the pot grows by $20 per week until someone wins.